This is done to enlarge an underdeveloped breast or loose & small breast. A silicone or saline implant is placed behind the muscle or tissue. Since the breast tissue itself is usually untouched during the surgery, the normal physiological functions are not effected. There is no hindrance whatsoever to the act of breast feeding a baby. Also the natural feel and look of breasts is preserved. The transformation is immediate and spectacular, to say the least. One goes home the same day and to work after 1-3 days with a secret smile of metamorphosis.
The anatomy of the patient and Dr. Charu Sharma’s recommendations determine the techniques for inserting and setting implants. In order to minimize obvious scars, incisions are typically done under the breast itself, in the armpit, or around the areola (nipple area). The surgeon installs the implant while lifting the breast tissue through these incisions. Then, it is positioned either below or above the pectoral muscle, beneath the nipple.
Breast reconstruction surgery can be performed on patients of any gender. Breast treatment has been accessible for nearly 40 years. These breast surgical procedures and breast implants themselves are always being modified for the safety of the patient. Breast augmentation will increase the size and shape of your breasts. Many breast cancer patients choose this procedure to increase their self-esteem.