+91- 9212098986 , 9810656117

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Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction Surgery

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck Surgery)

Thigh, Buttock Lift

Liposuction ( Liposuction Surgery also known as Tummy Tuck Surgery ) is the process of cosmetic surgery that is used to remove excess fats from the body through the suction method. During this process, small, thin, blunt-tipped tubes called cannulas, are inserted through tiny cuts in the skin. Fat is suctioned out through these tubes.

In recent years, these techniques have been made safer, easier, and less painful.
The actual process of Liposuction is to reduce body weight. It is typically used in effective areas. These are often thighs and hips in women and abdomen, waist & back in men.

The face, neck, abdomen, back, buttocks, legs, and upper arm are all commonly treated areas.
It can be done with other Cosmetic Surgery procedures. Such as tummy tuck, Breast Reduction or Face Lift. It may also be used to treat certain medical conditions like:
•Lipomas (fatty tumors)
•Abnormal enlargement of the Male Breasts
Excessive sweating in armpits

Liposuction Surgeon Dr. Charu Sharma has been performing the Liposuction procedure in Delhi at super specialty Gorgeous Looks Cosmetic Surgery & Plastic Surgery Centre India.

Butt Enlargement

 Butt Enlargement


Butts are an important part of our body that adds to elegance and femininity. Unfortunately, their significance is often not realized due to gross.

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Lisonix Liposuction

Lisonix Liposuction


The latest advanced technology of liposuction with ultrasonic liposuction device sonic ultra sculpt overcomes the disadvantages…

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Abdominoplasty surgery
Abdominoplasty surgery

Abdominoplasty surgery
Abdominoplasty surgery

Liposuction surgery
Liposuction surgery

Abdominoplasty Surgery
Abdominoplasty Surgery

Abdominoplasty Surgery
Abdominoplasty Surgery

Liposuction Surgery
Liposuction Surgery

Service Type
Liposuction Surgery Deilhi, Fat Reduction Surgery , Body Reshaping Surgery, Tummy Tuck Surgery in Delhi
Provider Name
Dr. Charu Sharma MBBS, MS ( GENERAL SURGERY ) Mch ( Plastic Surgery ) Gold medalist BURNS, PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGEON.,
E-261,Greater Kailash Part 2,New Delhi-110048,
Telephone No.+91- 9212098986, 9810656117
New Delhi / INDIA
The actual process of Liposuction is to reduce body weight. It is typically used on effective areas.
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