+91- 9212098986 , 9810656117

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Male to Female Surgery

Sex Change Surgery

Transgender Surgery

Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) also known as Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS) or Gender Affirmation Surgery (GAS) demands reshaping or modification of male genitals into the female genitals in which person’s physical aspects and functions are reorderd or revamped to resemble that of the opposite sex. This surgery is for patients who are affected or suffering from gender dysphoria.

Patients generally require Hormone Replacement Therapy. Other surgeries which are needed for transformation of male into female include breast augmentation, facial feminization surgery, voice feminization surgery, buttock augmentation, adam’s apple reduction.

Surgeons usually remove the testicles and make use of penile  skin  to construct a sensitive vagina or inner lip (inner labia).
Inner lip is generally pink in color and expands to the bottom of vulva to become posterior fourchette which looks same as  in  biological women.
If there is paucity of skin, then  vaginoplasty can be continued from skin graft from other parts of body like thighs or hips.

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) is one of the important things in transition from male to female which involves many parts of face and neck and modification of jaws, eyebrows, nose, lips, cheek area & forehead. Facial hair is removed from the face.

Augmentation Mammoplasty (AM) or breast enlargement surgery is performed  to expand the size of small breasts or to improve the position of nipples. Breast implant surgery is one of the popular surgeries  is needed during transition of male to female (MTF). Silicon is always required for breast enlargement but fillings differ from patient to patient, either saline filled or gel filled.
Gell filled implant stays longer than the saline filled one.

Dr. Charu Sharma is a  well known surgeon  who specialize  in this form of reassignment. which will reduce the chance to get systemic sickness and capsular contracture and will improve the appearance of breasts.

Masculine hips are generally smaller than feminine, MTF indivisuals will go for buttock augmentation where each area needs to be assessed with best gluteal harmony. Patients who lack fullness  in the lower buttock, the fat will be distributed to improve the overall shape.
Some patients go for voice surgery also which is used to modify the human voice. MTF individuals make their voices sound like females and therefore they undertake voice therapy. Voice feminization is  available for trans women to exercise feminization of their speech.
Sex reassignment surgery is irrevocable and one can never become a gentic mother for whole life.

Female to Male Gender Reassignment Surgery

Female to Male Gender Reassignment Surgery

Gender reassignment surgery is also popularly known as sex reassignment surgery (SRS). Female to Male conversion is more complex than Male to Female…

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Service Type
Male to Female Surgery / Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery / Male To Female Transgender Surgery
Provider Name
Dr. Charu Sharma MBBS, MS ( GENERAL SURGERY ) Mch ( Plastic Surgery ) Gold medalist BURNS, PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGEON.,
E-261,Greater Kailash Part 2,New Delhi-110048,
Telephone No.+91- 9212098986, 9810656117
Delhi India
Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) also known as Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS) or Gender Affirmation Surgery (GAS) demands reshaping or modification of male genitals into the female genitals.
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